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Im Jean Galliano, Welcome to my Website

My artwork, this one is entitled: 'TULIPS'

I create these images from photographs I take and Then recreate them in photoshop. If you like 'Tulips', I hope you'll take a peek  into my GALLERY to see my other images.

I like to write articles too. This one is about ASTRAL TRAVEL, I wrote it for www.Astral Society (Spotlight, Feb/01)

Astrally Traveling Where?
With Whom?
By: Jean Galliano

Why astrally travel?  Where do we hope to go?  What is it good for?  Does it have a function or purpose? Are the possibilities as infinite as the edges of the universe?  As our souls?  What is it we hope to learn?  Are we strong and wise enough to leave our bodies?  And what happens when we are or if we are not?  These are some of the questions that confronted me when astral travel became a reality in my life.  For many years I did not question the ability because I was a child and had no idea that this kind of 'dreaming' was different or special.  But given the opportunity as an adult, with a fully conscious choice and the known fears of death, I was presented with the challenge of confronting these questions and my own mortality.  To do so, I had no choice but to explore the realms of possibility being shown to me astrally.  I was plucked from the self-destructors, taken off the death road and set on a new path.  There's a light that shines in front of me, showing me the way, in dreams.

Astral traveling is a way for the consciousness to gather experience and information about its self and it's environment, past, present or future.  It presents the personality with the opportunity of learning about the attributes of the soul.  We are hoping, I believe, to go deeper into the self and farther into the universe.  And yes, astral traveling presents an opportunity for us to learn to recognize the continuum of the soul on its journey through eternity.  This makes it an infinite proposition.  If we are able to recognize who we are, we may travel to the fathoms of our very soul and also to the outreaches of the infinite universe.  But first we must possess the understanding of our soul's journey through eternity, its mind, its mission, its intention.  We have to know who we are 'IN' our bodies.  So, who are we?  Children of God/Goddess, angels in the making... or devils.  We are infinite spirit merged with finite flesh.  The greatest compromise of good and evil.  We either add to The Creation or take away from it.  We are either Creators or Destroyers.  This is determined by our thoughts and deeds.  Many hit or miss experiences unto the astral planes will reveal much about what we truly think, feel and who we really are.  This is a way to study our selves, our position and purpose.

Since most, if not all of us, are still searching and learning to become strong and wise souls, we may not be equipped to decide where we go when we astrally travel.  We don't have a map of the universe, barely know ourselves (or our capabilities) and our psyches are highly sensitive and complicated mechanisms, divided into consciousness and unconsciousness.  We generally will require some help entering and maneuvering about in the astral.  Help comes in the form of helper beings or entities that reside on the astral planes and will respond to our calls for assistance.  These beings are commonly visiting us in our dream travels and in our astral states.  They give us information, answers to our questions, remedies for our illnesses etc... Usually they will take on familiar forms, give us the information as someone we know and trust... who's presence in our dreams or OB's is of no question.  Or information could come from a figure of authority to whom the guardians are sure will we will listen.  These helpers, our Guardians, do this because in order to perceive their true forms and to see them as they really are, we must be able to see ourselves as we truly are.  I am saying that in order to see what is beyond you, you must first see what is before you.  One might think that this is a simple task, but if it were, coming to know our selves and our world would not be such a challenge.  One cannot perceive the truth until he himself becomes the truth.  Beings will come to you guise but in order to see who they truly are, you must take down your own mask.

The guardian beings do not want to frighten us, they love us and care for us, they exist in places where God's creation is recognized, cared for and appreciated.  In many cases, our guardian spirits are our very own ancestors.

There are also negative entities and energies on the astral planes that will talk to us and attempt to get us to destroy our selves, others or the creation.  These are degenerated souls, demonic influences and ghosts who have turned or have been turned away from the light.  There are dark forces.  And they will try to communicate with you.  You have the option of listening to them or not.  If you listen, you will open yourself up to the power of their force.  The best thing is to not entertain them at all.  Hold onto yourself.  This is why it is so important to Know Yourself... there could be a host of voices in your head or in your OB, it can be difficult to discern.  How will you know who to listen to?  One may detect negative energies by the negative feelings emitted in their presence.  Remember this; negative feeds and breeds on negative.  So, if unnatural fear is overtaking you or the need for greed, or lust or sloth or any of the deadly sins and you are vibbing with it... you are feeding into it and you are making it stronger.  Only Love and Trust can squash fear and negativity.  In times of total fear, one must suspend to exhibit total trust.  There is love in the universe, you know this, you yourself have felt it flowing through you.  Turn the river on and wash the fear away.

It is very frustrating for a devil not to be able to scare you, he loses his power and has no recourse.  And it is very reassuring to find this kind of strength and courage within yourself and to learn to call on the powers of love and trust.  Believe in yourself, believe in your guardians, they will defend you and teach you to defend yourself.  They will go to extreme measures not to scare you.  Meditate on names for your guardians, if no name comes, give them names.  Tell them, I will call you, "Name" and if I should need you, I will remember to say this name.

Spirit Guides also exist on the astral.  They have larger domain and wider charge.  There may be one guide for many people where as each individual will have his own guardian(s).  Because of this, you will have more the opportunities to see and come to know your guardians.  If you have an encounter with you guide, it will be at a changing point or crux in your development.  At a time of major revelation, epiphany etc... A guide will come as required for your growth and if there is no other way for you to get to the next plateau.  It is a great gift and blessing to encounter your guide.  All the people now currently experiencing out of body states are connected by a network and have guides in common.

We cannot come to the astral with the idea that we can leave our bodies and go just anywhere without help and direction.  This has been the problem and has created mush confusion.  In order for us to understand the possibilities, there have had to be astral pioneers.  One's that went 'out', scouting ahead to mark the trails, gather the information, riddle the rules, find the roads and meet up whomever 'out' there.

If I had no idea where China was but wanted to go there from the USA and you told me that I could not drive my car there, would it matter how determined I was to drive my car there?  Would it matter how deeply I envisioned it?  No.  My physical body is not getting to China unless I get on a plane and fly there.  You know this, it is a fact in your mind and there is no question about it.  So let's get into perspective.  The astral planes have been speculative and we have been subject to many interpretations but just as there are laws to the physical reality, there are laws to the astral reality.  We must figure out what the laws are in order to proceed.

We have been trying to make sense of the astral awareness that has been revealing itself to us individually and collectively.  For twenty-five years I have been traveling out of body and studying my own experiences.  For twenty of the twenty-five years, I have been studying the experiences of others.  I have now come to a point where I may apply what I have learned, but to apply this knowledge I must accept the universe on its own terms.  I came into the universe, it was here, before I came.  I came into the world, it was also here before me.  I must live within the rules of the physical universe, I must adhere to gravity, move away from fire, I must drink water and take in the elements of the physical plane to sustain myself.  The sun has to shine on me and the stars will call my mind to wonder.  I gaze out into the universe with longings I do not understand.  I study charts of stars old and new satellite photos of suns passing away... there is no gravity to my thoughts, yet I stand firm, magnetized in a body being held down to the earth.  If I can fly, it is only in my mind... or WITH my mind.  Mind bridges body to spirit.

What have we learned?  The universal is multi-dimensional.  It has physical and non-physical parts.  We are an encapsulation, a reflection of this very universe, the secrets to it are written in who and what we are.  We are multi-dimensional, we have physical and non-physical parts.  We are eternal spirit existing within finite matter.  We are a grandiose creation, the merger of good and evil, of life and death... We are the Balance and when in balance, we know all things.  We are the compromise of universal order, positive and negative.  All potential exists in knowing the self.  We are mind and heart and spirit, capable of realizing Love, Music, Community, Divinity... We can hear the voice of God in our own thoughts.  To riddle ourselves is to riddle the secrets of the universe.  We are the map.  The direction: Know Your Self.

Your experiences in life will reveal your strengths, your courage, your fortitude, your capacity for loyalty, your capacity for love, for giving, for helping or visa-versa.  Your perceptions will present the opportunity for change, you may change your mind, your life, your actions and your dreams.  If you are experiencing out of body states, you have another point of view, another perspective on the self, another way 'in'.

Many are coming to this with the hopes of traveling out of body to discover some big secret or get the edge on what is currently popular.  But there is more out there than we can plan for, frightening, awesome and celestial experiences waiting to revel and change us.  We are sleeping in cocoons, growing great wings.  We are learning the possibilities of the soul, our soul.  Who we are in the universe?  Who we are meant to be?  Humanity, the saviors or destroyers of the world.  All eyes are on earth.  If you cannot realize the feast that lies before you, you will not perceive the one that is awaiting you.


is like light from distant stars
taking light years to reach us

What have you seen?
Or done?
What do you take back to the center of the sun?

look again,
the sky is all around you

there is no more land to conquer
only mind

What did you think you would find?
Infinity exists in the greatest depths of consciousness

awake asleep awake asleep
passing from memory to dream...

wear a face for all times
follow all signs
worlds are created
for the meeting of minds

to evolve,
we must venture into the Unknown

Jean Galliano
All rights reserved

Here's more POETRY




Its true

i feel you slipping thru my fingers

down cliff-


running water fall and spring

crisp and cool

my sweat and body

drenched and naked




you cannot save the rain

you cannot take more than you need


cut  your heart out

wash it clean


it is why

tear ran out of Mothers eye

and salted all the sea

love went slipping ‘way

and free


Its true

i feel you slipping thru my fingers

down cliff-


      running water fall and spring

try and chase the rain

    drenched and naked

a coming of age


One by one we awaken

shaking our brother next to us

These! are not dreams

we must be quiet now

or Mother will quiet us

we must be attentive now

or Father will shake us

make our eyes meet his...

and gaze to melt the hottest fire

or the coldest wind

the deepest lament

or the boldest sin


and it is that day.

all of the things we have hoped for

slithering around our feet

above our heads fluttering

ingested down deep in our bodies

the wonder and woe

of all our thoughts and

all the children we have made of us


There is no time to lose not

choose now!

don’t go on sleeping

dreaming that you are no one

you are

every one.


Remove the face that’s  grown thick

as the time it took to bury your memory

Miracle Child, the earth and sky has borne you

to walk in the world and to become the very

wish upon the very lips of the God

in the moment of making you



...Found you there,

profound as it does not dawn on innocence

for so long..,

such a lovely darkness

Religion is a Child born

 (dedicated to Wil Perkins
and all the children who have gone before us)

Israel waits...

Buddha sits stone faced in the garden

on a good day,

on a bad day

the water is moving down

the mountain

...falling on the brows of Christians

Two thousand years of words to die for

Krishna's chanting

Poets ranting

broken rules and broken hearts

The music grows harder and louder

The dancers have all gone mad!

Shiva, help us

Storms and voices clash

Spirit dreams

and floats into an astral wilderness

searching for pure heart

...In the Earth, men play their part

war and wars take place

black smoke erases a blue star

From afar, Seraphim hear

the scented prayers of Islam

and gather sparks from out of the darkness

Some of the children will sleep tonight

but some will go as shining stars

falling thru the sky

A quiet repose

on the etheric mist

A time to listen and not to resist

The tiny voices we mistake for angels

are those of our own children

telling us a better way

Jean Galliano

2000  All rights reserved


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